Visualizing Historical Air Quality in China

As we all know, Air quality is closely related to our well being, this website aims to visualize 7 major pollutants including ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur monoxide and carbon monoxide. They affect people's health differently. I think it's important for the public to know what have impaired their health and what are jeprodizing their health.

Created by

Kuo Pei:

Designed for

CMPS263: Data Visualization, 18 Winter

Data Sources

Harvard Database

Chinese Air Quality Website

Visualization Sources

China Population Visualization
by Wenbo, XiaoXu, Yifan at Winter 2017

Climate Change
by Ryan Tran at Fall 2016

China: Population and GDP, 2014
by Wentian, Wentan, Jiahua at Fall 2016